Have you ever felt overwhelmed using your phone?
Yes, that God What am I doing? feeling. 😩
Just to let you know, digital clutter might be the reason. Digital clutter is the mess created on your device. Have you ever thought about the feeling you had when you first purchased your phone or laptop and the feeling after a few months or years of usage?
All those messes that you have collected in the form of photos, reels, files, emails, apps or any types of information on your device, is the clutter. Surprisingly, this leads to an impact on our mental health like stress and anxiety.
How to Know Digital Clutter ?
If you are ever wondering what could be the sign of digital clutter? How do I identify it, then no worries, there are some ways you can do that.
One of such signs is that you are looking for some file or photo or data on your phone but you are unable to find what you are searching for.
Another common sign is that when you open your gmail app on your phone or laptop you can see that you have hundreds and thousands of mail unattended in your inbox and it keeps on increasing everyday.
Similarly, there are apps on your device which you have once downloaded and used once or twice and have forgotten about. You know it’s sitting there without any use.
So, the next question that might pop up is,
How to deal with Digital Clutter?
There are many ways to tackle digital clutter. Lets share how I used to declutter digitally and I still do now time and again.
Do you know that because of that unnecessary file, your mobile phone’s performance slows down. So, everyday, I use a cleaner app to clear the cache memory. Cache memory is temporary files stored in your device so that you could easily access them every time you open the app. And surprisingly everyday there is a huge size of cache memory. Don’t worry, clearing cache memory is not going to wipe out your data.
Next, the thing that I do to declutter my device, especially my phone , is that whenever I go outside and I have to wait for someone or commute long distances, I go straight to my gallery and delete all the unnecessary photos. And surprisingly, there are at least 500 photos and sometimes above 1000 photos that I delete from my phone.
Similarly, for my emails, I do not declutter everyday, but when I do, I make sure to delete all unwanted emails and unsubscribe from unwanted emails. This minor activity makes my mind clear as well.
We spend our maximum time on our phone, so one thing that I always prefer is to create a folder for each category like, Work, Fun, Eat, Tools, etc. and categorize all my apps there. This not only helps to easily access my app but also helps me to know what category I spend most time on and obviously, it’s always on social media.
Also, one thing that I have set on my app that I use most is the timer. I have set a timer on my social media apps, which alerts me how much time I have spent on it. It helps me to keep check on my unnecessary usage of apps just for surfing.
And Last but not the least, one of the weird things that I do is, I put my phone charge far from me like in the next room where I have to walk a bit more for charging. To a great extent, this helps me to forget about my phone and concentrate more on myself.